Friday, 29 July 2011

I Need Change

Eugh!!! im getting soo out of shape. I need to get active again but the lure of XBOX and TV is far too strong.

I havnt made a post in months and its kinda getting too me so I shall make one now.

Went to sommerset last weekend and it was pretty good. I got to see the town where Hot Fuzz was filmed and I even shopped in the summerfields that featured in the film (where the guy who says "narp" works) athough its a Co-Op now. Kinda sucks really because the co-op are complete dickheads. For instance in shepton mallet I fell victim to the infamous 'service with a scowl' experience that is often linked with the co-op. Girl behind the counter looked at me like I just slapped her in the face when I tried to buy something with my card.

I cant believe some of the stupid policies that the big supermarkets have where they refuse to sell me alcohol because someone who is underage is within my general area. If I was that serious about buying someone alcohol then i would make them stand outside. If I was older then I wouldnt be a problem. geez

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Drunken ramblings

Its weird how that when I am drunk (like I am now) my behaviour towards other people is changed. Somehow me sipping Glenfiddich results in a very sociable and forthcoming person. Just thought I would share that with you.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Once again to the cinema to see a film. This one, called limitless, is a film for those who dont mind waiting for the story to develop. My girlfriend didnt seem to enjoy it that much; "i'm really bored, ", and a friend of mine was told off by a lady in the row in front who looked a lot like the person who had a go at me during a showing of 'a body of lies' (I think it was that film) last year. Maybe shes one of those people who like to complain at people for a hobby.

its a shame people like that exist... or maybe she was just generally annoyed by his constant stream of noise eminating from him trying to drink the very last drops of a slushie through a straw in a silent, movie theatre.

The house will need clearing up tomorrow, It has been tidied a little bit but there is still lots to do before the parents get back on monday.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Something new

I tried something new today. Probably wasn't the best idea but I did it anyway. since I moved my desktop from my room to the dining room (This is because my parents have gone and I dont want to be disturbed when im trying to sleep, by friends who want to facebook in the early hours of the morning) so because of this I moved my computer and all associated equipment downstairs to the dining room... Anyway, back to what I did, I turned my bass speaker all the way up; then the two normal speakers all the way up. I turned the bass on its back pressed my face up against it; put the speakers to my ears and had one of my friends put on omen, which is a song by 'the prodigy'.

My ears are still ringing but it was a good experience.

One thing about my computer is that it really doesnt like me... usually. From the moment I built it, it has been teeming with bugs and malfunctioning software (not because of my computer building skill). However, when I brought it downstairs to the dining room and set it all up, it ran like I had just built it yesterday... granted this was after I deleted some suspicious software and updated the system. but I dont think that was the only factor... perhaps I should rethink its position in my room.

It feels weird using a desktop keyboard again and not a laptop one. The keys all seem to be in the wrong place.

I found out something else over the last few days, a poor diet will leave you with monster heartburn. I dont even want to know how much gaviscon I have had to consume since yesterday. might take another dose before bed tonight.

PS. The problems with my computer were down to poor wireless signal and changing the position of the computer in my room worked... who knew!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

FSM and the 2011 Census

Well its official, in the eyes of the government I am a Pastafarian. 2011 census arrived in the mail and I duely filled it out to express my religious orientation. I feel his noodly appendage in my presence even now, I believe I have made FSM happy. I hope that all the other pastafarians out there have put down their religion truthfully on their census, hopefully we can become a fully legitimate and recognised religion in this country, just like Jedi.

I dont quite understand this census, I feel it is just the government sticking its nose in to see whats happening. Its kinda creepy if you ask me... But still if it helps spread the word of the FSM then i'll take it.

It seems there are less people than i thought (who i know) that are using blogspot, its a shame really, I wanted to follow some blogs, oh well never mind.

Ill again, dont know what it is... it feels kinda like tonsilitis but I dont have any tonsils. I am taking this as a sign from his noodlyness that I am deserving of a day or two off from school. Tomorrow I shall eat some kind of pasta to show my thanks. I should be all healed up by friday so that I can enjoy the holy day properly. Might get myself some beer to drink when I get home from Sixth Form.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Technology, it’s all around us; incorporated into every aspect of out lives. I came across this subject while I was walking to school with my eyes fixated to the path in front of me, searching for the missing ear bud that goes with my earphones... I had lost it yesterday.
Thinking about how empty my walk to school was without the constant companion of music I realised just how dependant on technology we are. Take for instance the idea of all the computers in the world stopping at the same time (this can be caused by a number of events; nukes, solar flares, chuck Norris) the world would be thrown into chaos, businesses would fail, stock markets across the world would crash and no one would be able to watch TV... A grim picture to be sure. We have sold our souls to Mrs. Technology and she is a vengeful beast.
On the other hand, if the technology apocolypse doesn't happen, the future looks very advanced. What we have now is nothing, the brand new computer I am using to write this very blog is going to become very outdated quite soon, in a few years I will have to buy another one just to keep up with the software updates and latest trends. Until eventually we get to the point where we don’t need to progress any further and everything becomes fully automated.
Imagine technology like the kind you see in the matrix, you will be able to plug yourselves in and create a Utopia for yourself; worlds where you can do anything you want with no one to answer to if you do something wrong. Crime would stop in the real world because everyone would be plugged in, living in mansions with butlers and trophy wives. (although this would be in virtual reality, really you would be lying in a bath of nutrients with tubes going into your body to keep you alive).
You could be thinking at this point, if everyone is plugged in, who will look after us. Well that one is easy, the androids. Like i said before, everything will be automated. We will all live for ever. Chuck Norris will not be able to harm anyone (as far as scientists can tell, don’t put too much faith in them though, chuck has already broken the laws of physics). Tomorrows world may sound great for some people and just plain creepy for others, I myself am split between the two. But... The time will come...

Saturday, 12 March 2011


I suppose most of you have heard about the problems Japan are facing at the moment, the images coming from the country are shocking to say the least. Some pictures I have seen seem to resemble the landscapes in the fallout games, which are set in a a post nuclear apocolypse world. So that isnt very good at all.

The death count seems to be in the thousands now with entire villages and their populations completely wiped out in the wake of huge 30 foot waves penetrating deep inland.

There was a lot of worry about the state of the nuclear power stations that the japanese run. 'the fear of chenobyl' was instilled in everyone the other day when the building housing one of the reactors at Fukashima exploded, worries were raised at the content of the cloud that was spreading outwards from the wreckage, luckily It seems that the reactor itself has remained intact meaning that a core meltdown at the moment is quite unlikely.

I have to say that the images coming from the countries affected are truely horrifying, the utter devistation caused is unimaginable and I genuinely feel for the people in those countries. I will be making donations to relief foundations.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

me talking about stuff

writers block is the bane of my life, the more i think about what to write the less ideas come into my head!.

i spose that since realising what i want to do from now on i have become more and more immersed in the thoughts of what are to come, i have not as of yet, recieved any kind of notification from the Uni's that i chose (with the exception of Kent Uni who kindly sent me a letter of confirmation that they had recieved my application) so i guess i should start looking at my other options. ideally i would like a job, that is my first target. i am going to step up my efforts and get employed. secondly i need a drivers licence. this comes after getting a job because i need to get and afford to run a car. thirdly; get a better job, the drivers licence opens up a range of new, better payed job opportunities. and lastly find a flatmate(s) to bear the burden of renting and running a flat (i am aware that this could entail getting rid of the car but hopefully the flat will be in town so travel to a job wont be too much of a problem. if not i can always get a moped and use that... much cheaper).

so far, it has been three months into the year i have allotted myself to achieve my goals and i have not made much headway, i am making it my ultimate target for this year to at least get a job, things will hopefully be much easier when i can work full time, more money coming in.

anyway enough of this, im tired... good night

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

the first day of spring

last week i managed to walk down to the shops with a t-shirt and no jumper; its kind of ironic i spose because that was back in the winter. today however it was really quite cold. what a great start to spring... well heres hoping for a sunny summer and lots of going out.

went to bluewater last week, and as amazing a day out with my girlfriend that it was it was really overpriced in there, £2.50 for a small smoothie. £16 for three pairs of pants (which i bought out of neccesity) i could get a similar set for £3 in choice. still it was an impressive store.

i tried a smoking pipe for the first time last week, it tasted terrible, i dont know how anyone could like that; it make me literally throw up what a waste of £11, although my douchebag brother make good use of my tobacco without asking... then he stole all my sisters fags... then all my lighters... what a wanker

Friday, 11 February 2011

the holy day of friday

since joining the church of the flying spaghetti monster i have not yet had the opportunity to celebrate it as it is said in the gospel of the FSM... that is untill now. because i have the flu and have as a result stayed at home meaning i have full filled one of the FSM's wishes to take it easy (i didnt realise this till just before lunch) i have decided to eat some spaghetti meatballs that i got from the co-op also as it is said in the gospel; i have drawn myself a pint of grog (beer) to accompany my holy meal... unforunately i have no wenches to hand but im sure that i have conducted myself in a way that would make his noodlyness proud of this humble pirate. the microwave just pinged so i shall go and begin my worship / lunch. i wish you all a wonderful friday!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Bored and ill

well i spent a few hours this morning doing my work in study / playing minecraft for 90 % of the time. and i realised just how bored with school i am. every day its pretty much the same thing. its gotten to the point where my english coursework has been sitting in my desktop for months waiting for me to do something with it. i want to give up and go out and get a job to try to fulfill my new years resolution of moving out; but of course that would close the door to uni and to a more prosperous future.

i think once i get out of sixth form i will be completely done with education; i want to get a full time job with some good pay and enjoy life before i have to settle down. unfortunately i will suffer from the bad grades i got during my time as a GCSE student. i dont know what brought on this sudden urge to finnish with my studies but it is strong.

i was surprised to see how cheap some flats are in this area when i looked at it on google; with the cheapest being luton (i wonder why) my aspiration to move out has become a lot more real to me, i will however be forced to have a flat mate to help bear the burdon of bills but my goals are not unrealistic (which is a start). ideally i would like a place next to the river but such appartments are rather costly. to be honest though i dont really care so long as it has electrisity and is mine; a place where i can be myself and do what i want.

someone asked me "wouldnt you rather just get a car?"... the answer, in short is no; the idea of living by myself is too attractive.

there are i admit, things i will miss when that happens though. The ball of fur (my dog) snoring gently by my side being up there with the things that i will miss most. but there are also otherm non material things that will be sorely missed too. Such things include the lack of resposability that i have enjoyed for much of my life up to this point. the things that i will not be able to afford when i move out, like the extremely good connection to the internet i  have at the moment. gaming will become very difficult if i have to downgrade.

but the more i look at the situation the more i see that i need to move on from this life of ignorance and comfort that have defined me for so long. i want to experience the simple pleasure of truely owning the roof above my head. i want to have the ability to do what i want (within reason) and not have to answer to my parents or any other of my 'peers'. however i feel i dwell on this too much.

one thing that has really caught my attention recently is just how shit weekend television is. it seems that Jeremy Kyle rules the airaves with his entertainment that he likes to call therapy, how many conflicts have been truely resolved on that damn show? despite me being a die hard trekkie even channel one (before it dissapeared from TV) has been pissing me off so much. im all for a 'Voyager' marathon but all they do is play the exact same episodes that they played during the week; all it is is them trying to make more money by giving the people less. the same goes for E4 and 'Scrubs'

i should probably go now, i have a very tired doggy lying across me that really needs to be getting to bed. i too should also be getting to bed. till next time...

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Unable to sleep

unfortunately due to an inability to sleep i have decided to try to make myself more tired by writing in my new blog for my new audience.

i know i made the promise in my last post that i was going to tone down the political ramblings but i feel i just have to comment on this; nick clegg decided to face up to his critics (students) and completely ballsed it up. the aggrivation of the students that were allowed to question him became very apparent during his interview when he refused to apologise for lying to his electorate. however i shall end that there for those that have no wish to listen to me rant about how much of a mistake the current govenment is. perhaps i shall start up another blog on my profile so that i may deal with such issues there. i wont decide that now though, it is far to late.

i keep findng myself in the position of going to bed at silly hours of the morning due to lack of sleep or too much to do before i turn in for the night; this keeps resulting in my being late to school. lucky for me, today is the day before a morning of study so we shant worry about that too much.

i tried my newest brew of beer today and was pleasently surprised with how it turned out. my last brew was a little on the sweet side (which i am convinced was because it was too cold for brewing) but this time it is more like a really nice ale.

i have not yet come up with any good ideas for posts on this blog yet so for now they will be like this. i have been toying with the idea of posting short stories that i would write either at school or at home. i must be careful though. there are a few people who alreay do this; 'Chronicles of Clunge'* being my personal favourite.

my goal in this post it too keep writing as much as possible to help me get more tired. its such a shame that im an insomniac (and have a blocked nose due to a cold). i wonder if there are aby viable home remedies for insomnia, i shall have to google that later. i dont like the idea of all the doctor prescribed medicated tranquilisers which dont really allow you to sleep; they work by making you unconcious, which means that i would be unable to reach the stage of sleep known as 'REM sleep' (REM stands for 'Rapid Eye Movement' and refers to the stage of sleep where you can dream). without REM sleep you could become mentally unstable which sounds rather unpleasent.

anyway i think i have sufficiently managed to tire myself out so i shall bid you goodnight for now.

* written by a friend of mine it is a read i really recommend... however if you are young or of the faint of heart it probaly isnt for you

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

A new Blog/Start

after reading the blogs of a friend of mine on this website i have decided to jump on the bandwagon and relocate my thoughts here. this is for a few reasons; 1. this site seems more like a social networking site than a normal blog, which im hoping will give me a larger audience than the one person every month or so that i have been just about achieving on wordpress but i think the main reason that i am relocating here is that blogger allows quite a bit more.

anyway enough of that there are some rather important things i feel i should cover in my first post on a new blog. firstly would be a shameless plug of my old blog; got that? good! now that that part is out of the way we can move on. the second point i wish to convey in this, the first post relates rather nicely to my first point. it is of course an explanation. as i have already mentioned, wordpress does not allow the same social connectivity that blogger allows so i have decided to relocate here to try to get my ramblings noticed by a few more people than none at all. i decided (around about the same time i decided to breath new life into this old blogger account) that i shall leave all my posts on wordpress where they are.

this new blog i am taking the opportunity to change my blogging style, i feel that my old blog was getting quite samey; more often than not, featuring me getting on my soapbox about the conservative government (if however you feel inclined to check that out i am leaving it where it is for all to see). i want to focus this blog more on the mind of me; which is why (for those who know me) i am making ideas for this blog the primary function of my old excercise book; the rather unusually named "james' gay book of gay stuff". a name prescribed to it by a guy in my english class.

in order to conclude this short but (hopefully) sweet post i wish to tell you this; if this blog sounds like something that would interest you, then please read on and enjoy. If however this sound like it really isnt your cup of tea (or coffee depending on your preferences) then please read on anyway; it is my hope that you will be pleasently surprised